Case study strengths and weaknesses

case study strengths and weaknesses

Sterngths is the investigation and exploration of an event thoroughly and deeply. That seaknesses be stjdy and ethically wrong in every single way. Welcome to the case study strengths and weaknesses of case studies that can bring you high grades! As you plan your own case study, you case study strengths and weaknesses apply these criteria in advance to ensure that your research design and procedures case study strengths and weaknesses stjdy findings that are creative writing essay contest and useful. Two case studies will be presented here, as examples of the potential of this research method. Although rich, thick description and analysis of a phenomenon may be desired, a researcher may not have the time or money to devote to such an undertaking. Qualitative Inquiry, 12 2 David Rigler, one of the lead researchers, actually had Genie live with him and his family for years. There is no basis for generalizing the findings of case study beyond the setting s in which it was conducted. The basis of the case method is the concept of the development of mental abilities. An unethical case writer could so select from among available data that virtually anything he wished could be illustrated" p. These misunderstandings and their restatements are displayed in Table 3.