Creative writing rubric high school

Your writing voice is fresh, distinct, and consistent. Sometimes creates a positive and safe atmosphere. Dialogue is very confusing Suspense, Irony, Foreshadowing Maximum 4 points 4 points — Utilizes creative writing rubric high school three literary devices 3 points — Utilizes two of these literary devices 2 points planning a research paper Utilizes one of these literary devices 1 point creative writing rubric high school Does not utilize these literary devices. Something happens in your piece: either the character or reader is somehow different at the end of the piece than at the beginning. You might not receive written comments. Course Rubric. No real desire with very little to no conflict within the story. No rough drafts or turned in late. You have used paragraph breaks intelligently. Paper Rubric. The majority of your grade is determined by your paper and journal grades. Rarely shares writing with partners, small groups, and the whole class. For Teachers. Story is easy to read with some confusing areas 2 points — Not a very strong use of vocabulary words. A muse d. All papers should be typed, doubled spaced, and include your name and a title. Where they enrich the story, you have used specific detail, sense detail, scenes, and active verbs.