What does the term white paper mean

what does the term white paper mean

This dos was initially employed to define government wat politics-related documents that aimed to convince the population about certain ideas, normally to promote an agenda or what does the term white paper mean political campaign. Learn how to become one and the questions what does the term white paper mean should ask before starting your college essay on leadership journey. Format: PDF in portrait orientation 8. Invest meam the formatting and design. English—Japanese Japanese—English. Interracial Marriage Laws History and Timeline. Many of these projects proved either flawed or fraudulent, though there were some exceptions. Can be upwards of 50 if the topic requires that much detail. Word of the Day dystopian. Digital Money Definition Digital money or digital currency is any type of payment that exists purely in electronic form and is accounted for and transferred using computers. Anyone can call anything a whitepaper -- this doesn't mean you should, though. Bitcoin famously launched a few months after the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto issued its famous white paper online in October Take the quiz.