What is a biographical essay

what is a biographical essay

The first is an academic report what is a biographical essay essay used to paint a picture of a historical figure or person of some importance to the writer. Your essay should follow the standard five paragraph what is a biographical essay Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion unless otherwise instructed by your teacher. Logical ending point what is a biographical essay the biography essay. However, I am a strong person with great qualities. For example, a biographical essay what is a definition argument essay Lenin that focuses on the execution of his brother by the government might read what is a biographical essay a tale of revenge, while an essay discussing the life of Winston Churchill that ends before he was replaced as prime minister will read very differently from one that covers his entire life and career. Although a biography essay is a kind of "story," it should still be written in a rational, scholarly way, and referencing in MLA or Chicago style is usually required for this kind of essay. This conference brought me closer to several other minorities like myself who struggle on a daily basis. Furthermore, rather than trying to present a complete composite of their lives to date, most writers in these contexts focus on certain defining moments and experiences. Start with a hook — an attention-grabbing sentence that sets the tone for the paper. When was Watkins Biographical Dictionary created? The language you use should be scholarly but still filled with imagerybut you should also focus on varying sentence structure, using excellent word choice, and other writing techniques that tell the life story of your subject in a compelling way that does justice to the importance of your subject.