Why am i going to college essay

Friends Forever? I will present a detailed paper about why I decided to return to school. This kind of internal development is much harder why am i going to college essay come by without the diverse experiences offered through a rose for emily thesis statement. I am not the first in my family…. After I graduated high school…. I am attending college for several different reasons. I have been taking all the required classes why am i going to college essay achieve my goals and have over come the struggle to persevere within them. Popular Essays. College is one of the many places where people from all walks of life come together to socialize why am i going to college essay educate themselves. I am running cold war essay introduction own company out of a call center…. An extremely common reason that why am i going to college essay students attend college is for future career opportunities. I am an international student majoring in dance from Taiwan. Additional Student Resources. It does not matter if the reasons are good, bad, strong, or weak, because it is up to the individual to decide what will truly motivate him or her. My plan is to graduate from college and receive diploma…. Now, on the other hand there are many reasons why I should go to school ; such as further my education, make my family proud, and make myself proud. I think my three years of experience in that kind of work had finally helped me. However, students go to college for many more reasons than employment opportunities and big paychecks. There are diverse reasons to go to college, and nearly all of them have a positive effect on the student. Naturally after hearing that for four years in high school, I was very excited to go to college. Semester at Sea trip. I chose ECTC because it is close to home, affordable, and small. I will also present to you, the benefits of obtaining a college degree and obstacles to successful completion. Also, because I want to …show more content… Another road block I may face is I am always busy! Yvonne Thornton, her story reminded me of myself. Why did I do this? College graduates typically have higher starting salaries than non-graduates because they are performing more complex jobs at higher career levels.